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#WriterWednesday: A Writer's Gift

Heather Kindt

In 2009, I lost my teaching job. At the time it was devastating, but as it is with most things that end life as you know it, it was a gift. My daughter was in her first year of preschool. I always resented having to work when my kids were young. My heart wanted to stay home with my children, but my bank account told me it was impossible. Losing my job forced me to stay home (at least part of the time). During that school year, I was a substitute teacher. Some days I worked, others I didn’t.

My favorite days consisted of dropping my daughter off at preschool and then driving to the public library. My town has the most beautiful public library in the country. I’d head up to the second floor, grab the thesaurus and sit at one of the built-in desks that overlook Pikes Peak through giant picture windows. There I’d write for two hours. Pure bliss.

That year I finished writing The Weaver and wrote Ruby Slips and Poker Chips: The Modern Tale of Dorothy Gale. I took my (at the time) finished copy of The Weaverto the UPS Store and had them printed with my fabricated cover. Five copies were made and handed out to a few friends to read. I didn’t know at the time that I did the right thing by finding beta readers.

When the two hours were up in the library, I’d pick up my daughter and head home. After lunch, she’d go down for her nap and then I’d write again, or read in a book I was obsessed with at the time. Back then it was The Hunger Games. Walks helped me clear my head when writer’s block hit. I’d climb a hill next to our house that overlooked the entire area.

It really was a year of writing. It was a year of discovery. It helped me redefine myself. I wouldn’t trade 2009 for anything. It gave me precious time with my daughter and it gave me two books. Ruby Slips is available on Amazon and The Weaver will be released next autumn through Parliament House Press.

For more info on Heather and future titles, check out

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