*Queries are closed*
For reference, queries will be accepted via QueryManager. If QueryManager presents an accessibility issue, you may email me at malorie (at) parliamenthousepress (dot) com to inform me of the issue preventing you from using the form. I can then propose options to make the query process more accessible to you. Please only do so if there are issues preventing you from using QueryManager. All other unsolicited queries not using the linked form will me disregarded. Agents may reach me at any time via email.
We are not considering stories written or co-written by AI.
Before querying, please peruse my MSWL to ensure we may be a good fit. All queries will receive a response, but feel free to follow up if you haven’t heard back in 12 weeks.
Fiction: Adult
We accept upmarket and commercial queries in the areas of:
Urban fantasy
Supernatural thriller
Paranormal romance
Dark fantasy
We are particularly interested in uplifting marginalized voices and unconventional narratives—including narratives by LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, people with disabilities/chronic illness(es), immigrants, and religious minorities. We are particularly interested in character driven, atmospheric stories with poetic, voicey prose. We are not currently looking for contemporary novels or romcoms. Our mission is not only to offer readers fantastical escapes, to make the impossible possible, but to share stories that are thought-provoking, evocative, and speak to the complexities of our lived reality.
All submissions should come in the form of a query letter, which will be submitted via the Query Manager form. Your query letter should include:
Book title
Target audience (YA/Adult)
Word count
Comps titles
Short bio
Publication history if applicable
In addition to the query letter, please attach a document containing the first 20 pages OR the beginning of your novel to the chapter end nearest the 20 page mark. Submissions for adult fiction should ideally be between 65k and ~100k words. All submissions must follow these formatting guidelines:
Word document, or .docx file
Cover page that includes story title, author name, word count, and email address
Header that includes story title and page number
Times New Roman (12 pt, black)
Left justified
Paragraphs indented 1/2 inch (no additional spaces between paragraphs)
Fiction: Young Adult
We will consider YA queries in the areas of:
Urban Fantasy
Paranormal romance
Dark fantasy
We are seeking a limited number of works with diverse representation across age categories and backgrounds. High-concept stories, especially those from diverse voices, are of particular interest. We are interested solely in fantasy works with character-driven plots and engaging, voicey prose. We are also looking for Young Adult works that deal with confessional narratives and dark fantasy elements. At this time, we do not publish Middle Grade or Children's Literature.
All submissions should come in the form of a query letter via the Query Manager form. Your query letter should include:
Book title
Target audience (YA/Adult)
Word count
Comps titles
Short bio
Publication history if applicable
In addition to the query letter, please attach a document containing the first 20 pages OR the beginning of your novel to the chapter end nearest the 20 page mark. Submissions for young adult fiction should ideally be between 65k and ~100k words. All submissions must follow these formatting guidelines:
Word document, or .docx file
Cover page that includes story title, author name, word count, and email address
Header that includes story title and page number
Times New Roman (12 pt, black)
Left justified
Paragraphs indented 1/2 inch (no additional spaces between paragraphs)